You can never have too many bags can you? I only ever tend to use the same trusty ones over and over again. But all of these shops are creating some really nice ones with their colours and designs just enticing me in and leave me standing on the spot for a while deciding whether I can live my life without this beauty. Most of the time I cannot and so end up buying...I can't help it, I think I may have a problem.
If any of you wish to donate to the Emily's Bag fund then please feel free to buy these for me and send them in the post....thankyouplease!

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I love them all. I have really wanted a satchel style bag lately
ReplyDeleteI want the Cambridge satchel x
Love all of these! Gotta get my hands on a Cambridge satchel soon! Love your blog, new follower and looking forward to reading more
ReplyDeleteFiona xo