Friday, 4 January 2013


Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break.

I have kinda disowned the blog for a wee while!  But I figured, I don't really get many holidays and thought it was best that I really took advantage of my work free week and boy did I enjoy it! It was filled of pj's, chocolate and Gossip Girl (Chuck Bass, I love you!) Anyway, the only good thing that can come out of Christmas ending is the sales.  But I have to say I was so so disappointed! I have a split family so my boxing day was also filled with family duties, which meant the sales searching was pushed back to 27th. Well, going online was a waste of time and so was Bluewater to be honest. I mean I did buy 2 cute dresses from Urban Outfitters, but that was about as exciting as it got! The next best thing was a unit for my room! 

Change of subject, its a new year and all that and I have been thinking more and more about resolutions. For me, resolutions are promises that are very easy to break and seem like such a waste of time. However, I only started my blog a few months ago and feel that I want to put a bit more time into it! So 2013 will be the year of the blog.  I am going to try and post more and include more photos, with an old iPhone camera this could prove a challenge.  The photographic evidence of my life may not be as good quality as other blogs, but its better than nothing I suppose!

Okay my second resolution is the same one I have EVERY year, along with probably 99% of the rest of the country. Losing some pounds.  I am always trying to shift some weight, but it's never enough that comes off and I genuinely believe that it's because I think about it too much.  I have never been the kind to diet, that's not what I do.  I enjoy food too much, I'm not saying I eat a lot or badly because I don't, but it's not fair that I should feel bad about myself because I have been invited out for a curry with my friends, or about having a Chocolate from my selection box whilst watching Gossip Girl. It's going to be the last time I feel like this!
This year is an important one, my boyfriends sister is getting married in August and even though I am so excited, I am also dreading it! I love summer clothes, but I hate myself in them,  However, I refuse to allow myself to spoil my day by being a miserable cow because I feel uncomfortable.  

I am going to try and look ahead to the wedding with positivity and not dread and see losing weight as getting fit, healthy and as a realistic goal!


  1. I have the same resolution! My boyfriend's brother has a wedding in June, so hoping to loose some weight! We can do this! I hope you had a good Christmas & hope you have a good 2013! :) xx

    1. We definitely can, keep me updated :D xxx
