Okay, so over the last few days I have been a bit busy. My bestest pals 21st birthday party was on Saturday night, and her actual birthday yesterday. So I spent the weekend finishing off the last little bits of her 21 presents for her box. So in the end, her box consisted of...
21 shot glass
Cute little gloves with bows on
2 pairs of socks
Earring set
A floral t-shirt toppy thing
Headache relief roller
Cocktail ring
Rosette hairclips
A photo frame that says FRIENDS with pictures of our super cool gang
A calender
A martini glass
A amazing leopard print make up bag with little ears on it
A lottery ticket (with a note saying that I will receive at least 40% of winnings)
Katie Perry Eyelashes
Half bottle of Rose
Some Maoam's
Some Lindt balls
All in all I think, well hope, that she was pleased with what I bought!
For her party I promised her I would wear a pair of heels. I love love heels, but just tend not the wear them for a number of reasons.
1. I end up towering over Elliot
2. I'm tall anyways and it makes me feel uncomfortable being so much taller than everyone else.
3. Lastly, and most importantly, I just cannot cope with the pain!
I want to so much I really do, I had to prepare for it and buy me some Party Feet, and what a load of old rubbish they were!!
I made the very common mistake of sitting down for too long.
There's me in my metallic skirt and my pal on the left hand side with the very red hair! A friend of mine kept referring to me as a mermaid, cue me walking around thinking I was Ariel for the rest of the evening!
Kath & Diana's rather amazing cake!! They also had cute little cupcakes that had mushrooms and teacups on top.
There was a lot more presents hidden inside, doesn't look very impressive I know.
The cake looks amazing! Aww Isbelle looks so adorable! xx