Monday, 1 October 2012

This is Me..

I have been avoiding posting any pictures or anything on here at the moment because my camera is terrible, which means I would have to use my phone, which despite being an iPhone, has a really pooey camera on it.  I find that going on a blog without really knowing anything about a person, like what they look like, makes it really difficult to connect with the blog and the person them self (going all spiritual).  So i decided to steal my boyfriends iPad very quickly yesterday to take a snap of myself.  Well, this is me...

As you can see the lighting in his rooms wasn't the best and so the picture is all round terrible, but i'm hoping to get my camera up and running again sometime soon and get a new one for Christmas because i'm currently in no financial position to be buying cameras left right and centre as much as I really wish I could.  Anyways yesterday I went to Bluewater shopping and ended up buying some jeans.  I know I was really moaning about them in my previous post, but whoever upstairs heard my pleas helped me out, so I was chuffed when I tried them on and actually liked them.  They are too big on my waist mind you, but i'm used that.  I also invested in a cute pair of converse look a likes from New Look for £9.99 which isn't half bad I thought.  So this morning, I had an unusual spare 5 minutes before I left for work so took a couple of bad quality pictures to show you what I wear to work.  As I said before, it's so casual for me at work, so my outfit posts will be far and few between because I practically wear the same thing everyday and it's not overly exciting.  But I thought I would post one anyway..

Feel free to follow :)

Speak Soon,

Emily x

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