When I started this blog, I had a picture of what I wanted it to be. 10 months on it's still not what I want.
I think I visioned numerous outfit posts, selfies and so on. But that just hasn't happened. I am not the most photogenic of people, and then feel like a complete wally when attempting to take pictures of what I am wearing. On the few occasions that I sucked it up and asked le boyf to be a helping hand and take a few for me it all went disastrously wrong. I'm not sure I have ever met someone who is more rubbish at using a camera...bless him.
On Sunday, the hottest day of the year so far, I had annoyingly pre planned to take my 2 little sisters to the cinema to see Despicable Me 2, it was well good I must add. Anyway, I was unexpectedly waiting around for Elliot to get ready and took a couple of photo's. Although I didn't pluck up quite enough courage to do a full outfit shot, I just took a couple of snaps.
My new favourite dress from Asos. I love a smock dress, and when its floral/paisley print I am in pattern heaven. I obviously didn't realise that it was going to be 27.5 degrees otherwise my choice of footwear would have been slightly different. Oh well, I love my trusty flatforms.
I thought I should include a selfie considering since having this blog there has been about 2 photos of me. It's good to know who you are reading about I suppose.
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